04 October, 2013

Install FTP Server in Debian and configure Cisco IOS as Client

#Download FTP 
apt-get install  proftpd -y
Note: select standalone Durring Installation

#Stop FTP Service
/etc/init.d/proftpd stop

#Configure Youre FTP Server
vi /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf

#Create User With Password and With Working Directory 
useradd file -p 12345 -d /ftp -s /bin/false 

#Change Password
passwd file 
New Password !!!

#Change Bash Config 
vi /etc/shells
Note: add in last line ->  /bin/false

#Create FTP Folder And Assign Permis (User level)
cd /
mkdir ftp
chown file:file /ftp/
chmod 770 ftp

#Restart FTP server 
service proftpd restart

#Configure Cisco Divace as FTP client
R1#configure terminal
R1(config)#ip ftp username file
R1(config)#ip ftp password 12345
R1#copy running-config

#In Debian now you can see this file
more /ftp/run-conf.txt