04 August, 2014


Keeping Track of the Network

- NTP 
- Logging
- SNMPv3


R1#show clock
*14:23:17.119 UTC Mon Aug 4 2014

! Change time zone
R1(config)#clock timezone PST -8

R1(config)#clock summer-time PDT recurring

! Configure NTP Server
R1(config)#ntp server

! For Debug Use: 
R1#debug ntp packets

! Verify NTP server configuration 
R1#show ntp associations
      address         ref clock     st  when  poll reach  delay  offset    disp
*~      2    59    64  377   135.8   -1.20     1.0
* master (synced), # master (unsynced), + selected, - candidate, ~ configured

R1#show ntp associations detail configured, our_master, sane, valid, stratum 2
ref ID, time D789FAD1.1ACDEE21 (12:28:01.104 UTC Mon Aug 4 2014)
our mode client, peer mode server, our poll intvl 64, peer poll intvl 64
root delay 54.52 msec, root disp 22.20, reach 377, sync dist 119.720
delay 135.85 msec, offset -1.1982 msec, dispersion 2.33
precision 2**20, version 3
org time D789FB2C.A11B70B4 (12:29:32.629 UTC Mon Aug 4 2014)
rcv time D789FB2C.C27C97CA (12:29:32.759 UTC Mon Aug 4 2014)
xmt time D789FB2C.8B331998 (12:29:32.543 UTC Mon Aug 4 2014)
filtdelay =   215.19  139.95  143.98  139.95  139.50  135.85  135.88  135.83
filtoffset =  -22.79   -2.95    1.56    0.30   -0.32   -1.20   -0.26    0.16
filterror =     0.02    0.99    1.01    1.02    1.04    1.05    1.07    1.08

R1#show ntp status
Clock is synchronized, stratum 3, reference is
nominal freq is 250.0000 Hz, actual freq is 250.0000 Hz, precision is 2**18
reference time is D789FB2C.C27C97CA (12:29:32.759 UTC Mon Aug 4 2014)
clock offset is -1.1982 msec, root delay is 190.37 msec
root dispersion is 25.74 msec, peer dispersion is 2.33 msec

! If using Authentication
R1(config)#ntp update-calendar
R1(config)#ntp authentication-key 1 md5 cisco123
R1(config)#ntp authenticate
R1(config)#ntp trusted-key 1
R1(config)#ntp server x.x.x.x key 1 source fas0/0 prefer

# Logging 

R1(config)#logging on
R1(config)#logging buffered informational
R1(config)#logging host
R1(config)#logging trap debugging

R1(config)#do show logging
Syslog logging: enabled (12 messages dropped, 0 messages rate-limited,
                0 flushes, 0 overruns, xml disabled, filtering disabled)
No Active Message Discriminator.
No Inactive Message Discriminator.
    Console logging: level debugging, 261 messages logged, xml disabled,
                     filtering disabled
    Monitor logging: level debugging, 0 messages logged, xml disabled,
                     filtering disabled
    Buffer logging:  level informational, 261 messages logged, xml disabled,
                     filtering disabled
    Logging Exception size (8192 bytes)
    Count and timestamp logging messages: disabled
    Persistent logging: disabled
No active filter modules.
ESM: 0 messages dropped
    Trap logging: level debugging, 25 message lines logged
        Logging to  (udp port 514,  audit disabled,
              authentication disabled, encryption disabled, link down),
              0 message lines logged,
              0 message lines rate-limited,
              0 message lines dropped-by-MD,
              xml disabled, sequence number disabled
              filtering disabled
Log Buffer (8192 bytes):


! Create access list for SNMP
R1(config)#access-list 10 permit
R1(config)#access-list 10 deny any log
R1(config)#do show access-list
Standard IP access list 10
    10 permit
    20 deny   any log

! Configure SNMP v3 
R1(config)#snmp-server engineID local 123456789A
R1(config)#snmp-server group G1 v3 priv access 10

* Note: 
  auth    (Authentication, No Encryption)
  noauth  (No Authentication, No Encryption)
  priv    (Authentication, Encryption)
Create User 
R1(config)#snmp-server user U1 G1 v3 auth sha a-Pass priv aes 128 e-Pass
Aug  4 13:35:23.133: Configuring snmpv3 USM user, persisting snmpEngineBoots. Please Wait...

* Note: This configuration do not save in running-config
R1(config)#do show run | in U1

! To Verify SNMP user
R1(config)#do show snmp user
User name: U1
Engine ID: 123456789A
storage-type: nonvolatile        active
Authentication Protocol: SHA
Privacy Protocol: AES128
Group-name: G1

! Configure SNMP Host
R1(config)#snmp-server host traps version 3 auth U1
R1(config)#snmp-server enable traps syslog

! Configure ManageEngine MibBrowser
* Note: Use free SNMP (ManageEngine MIB Browser)

! Verify CPU Usage
R1(config)#do show proce cpu sor | in ^CPU|SNMP ENGINE
CPU utilization for five seconds: 14%/100%; one minute: 13%; five minutes: 6%
 233        8932      1044       8555  0.00%  4.77%  2.36%   0 SNMP ENGINE

*Note: SNMP is configured and Works fine

! Check Encryption using Wireshark
! Capture SNMP Traffic 
* Note : All SNMP packets are Encrypted

! Configure Wireshark with User and Pass to see Content of SNMP

Steep 1:
Steep 2:
Steep 3:
* Note : Now we can read information from SNMP Packets.